
New friends can be so exhilarating…however, I’m quite intentional when choosing my companions…so please tell me a little about yourself. I adore authenticity. I will often have a full schedule, as I’m very focused on my education, health & self development. Your best opportunity to get a date is booking in advance. I feel that spontaneity can be part of the thrill, so please feel free to reach out with last minute proposals.. Gifts are a lovely way to stand out from the crowd & you’ll learn that I love to show appreciation…though this is never expected. Screening, however, is a non-negotiable requirement for my safety & comfort. I can assure you that any info exchanged is strictly confidential.
Cancellations made within 5 days of the appointment will incite a 50% fee of the total donation and within 48 hours will incur a fee equal to the expected donation of that appointment. Cancellation fee must be paid within 24 hours of payment instructions sent to remain in good standing.
Bookings are subject to a 25% deposit to confirm. Deposits may be transferred if you should need to reschedule in advance. Any cancellations are subject to an admin fee deducted from refunded deposits.
Donation Preparation
Please ensure the appropriate sum is available on arrival…donations should preferably be in a plain envelope (although bright red will suffice!) and presented discreetly. If using an online payment system then always ensure you send the donation in sufficient time, and that this intention is communicated prior to arrival. Online payments require a 50% deposit upon booking + 5% transaction fee.
Personal Hygiene
Clean, fresh-smelling men exude a magic over the opposite sex. Science has shown that a woman’s sense of smell is far greater than that of their male counterpart. This advanced function of the female means that she appreciates delicious fragrances more. Obversely, it also means she dislikes fowl smells even less! Before meeting, always ensure you are clean. It only takes 10 minutes to brush your teeth and take a shower. Where as I may prepare myself for a client and take ten times such preparation. Personal hygiene not only relates to the client but also to the abode, whether personal residence or hotel. If the premises are not clean and respectable then I may feel uncomfortable and decide to vacate the premises.